To encourage students to continue reading for independence and success we are pleased to provide all students with access to the Sunshine Online resource.
Sunshine Online is a digital literacy program and will be available on all school ipads and laptops.
The resource offers students access to ebooks and interactive activities to help them learn to read and understand mathematical concepts.
The ebooks include phonics, fiction and nonfiction and gives access to 560 e-books and 1000 activities. The books are divided into three learning levels: emergent, early and fluent and contain levelled texts from Level 1 – Level 30.
click below for more:
Vacation Care will now be offered from Monday 6 April and continue through until Friday 24 April.
In consultation with Catholic Education SA and in accord with the current advice from Government and Health officials, we have revised the status of our Vacation Care Services for the upcoming school holiday period. Vacation Care will not be offered on public holidays during the period or on Tuesday 14 April due to construction works on campus.
These are very challenging and uncertain times for us all but be assured that we are here for you and your family. I would also like to publicly thank our staff, they have gone above and beyond in so many ways over the last couple of weeks, running in-school and home programs, while preparing on-line learning in case of a postponement of term 2.
Rosary School is committed to ensuring educational, spiritual and pastoral support for every child in our school and Catholic Education SA is supporting this for all of our schools.
The COVID-19 pandemic impacts every aspect of our life – our families, our work and our wellbeing.
Every day there are new restrictions in place and many new questions.
On 14th March, an electronic letter was sent to all families on our SchoolStream App concerning the ongoing situation re COVID-19. This letter can be found on our school website.
Last night we received a major update that will change the usual practices that occur in our school for the remaining weeks of this term. read more:
Read more below:
Well what a week!
Something different for our School, State, our Country and the World. At Rosary School you would know that we have been making adjustments to school life, to meet the challenges of Coronavirus - COVID-19.
As a Catholic Parish School, we take our directions from Catholic Education SA (CESA) in this area. CESA are following the advice of government agencies concerning how the current outbreak of coronavirus impacts students, staff and parents. Our focus is on minimising risk and ensuring we do all that we can to ensure our communities are safe.
This is a fluid and rapidly changing situation and CESA are updating their page regularly…
Damian Weeks
The issue of coronavirus (COVID-19) is being reported on daily by the media and you are no doubt aware of the information that is available concerning this virus.
I do not intend to replicate advice that is provided by official channels, so links to official websites are included which carry the latest information:
Read more below:
At this uncertain time, we can feel such a myriad of emotions.
We must be mindful of each other, care for those in our lives and help our children navigate these unusual times. I have two documents here that may be of assistance.
1. A Beautiful Poem titled “Pandemic” which helps us to see some beauty in our slowing down….
2. A children’s story about the Coronavirus – which may help your child to understand more about the virus. Click Here. This also is translated into other languages.
I hope you find them useful.
Go gently at this time.
Major gatherings and events for the day across the nation are cancelled, but here at Rosary we will still focus on this theme. Your child will be given a pocket sized card to bring home with some tips on them.
Here’s some tips on what kids can do…https:///
Learn some strategies to talk about with your child
These pages provide tips and ideas for different bullying situations. One idea is to practise strategies at home to help your child feel more confident.
If your child is being bullied
If your child is bullying others
If your child has seen bullying
Watch the Quick Tips for Parents videos by Dr Michael Carr-Gregg for more ideas.
Please visit:https:/// for further information.
Catholic Schools Music Festival Choir:
During Choir time on Wednesdays, Year 6’s will come 11:30 -12:30 followed by year 5’s 2:05 – 3pm.
Other Choirs:
As we have such large numbers for the Rosebud and Little Blossoms choirs, they will be suspended until further notice.
As the number of coronavirus cases rise across Australia, the level of anxiety within the community is increasing.
Feelings of worry and unease can be expected following a stressful event, such as the recent declaration of a global pandemic, however, it is important that we learn to manage our stress before it turns to more severe anxiety and panic.
Read more :
tips_for_coping_with Coronavirus.