News & Events


Sacrament of Reconciliation

Wednesday 18th March, 2020

Dear Parents/Caregivers,

Thank you to those who were able to attend Monday night’s Family preparation session. For those unable to be there here is a rundown of what was covered:

1. We went through the actual Liturgy and had a practice of what to do for Reconciliation

2. We gave out the Booklets from this session.

We have sent home the booklet to those unable to be there.  We encourage all families to spend the time together on some of the activities.

I also wanted to reassure you that each year 3 class will have a practice and go through the Reconciliation Liturgy with their respective class.

At this stage there is some discussion as to the best way to proceed next week with the Reconciliation Liturgies.

Bishop Greg O’Kelly is providing some advice around this to Parish Priests and we will keep you updated.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the Parish or your school contact person.

 Kind regards, The Parish Sacrament Team.

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Wednesday 18th March, 2020

This year, students in Years 3 and 5 will take part in NAPLAN from Tuesday, 12th May to Friday, 22nd May (Weeks 3 and 4 of Term 2).
All testing will be online except for the Year 3 Writing Test that will be completed on paper.

Both year levels will follow the required test sequence: Writing, Reading, Conventions of Language and Numeracy.
Adjustments are available in NAPLAN tests for students with a diagnosed disability to support students' access to the tests.

If you wish to discuss adjustments for your child, please contact their class teacher. In special circumstances, a parent/caregiver may withdraw their child from NAPLAN.

This can be for philosophical or religious reasons.
Should you wish to withdraw your child please contact our Principal by email:undefined  by Monday, 6th April, so the necessary paperwork can be completed.
Likewise, if you know that your child will be absent during this testing window, please contact their class teacher.

This Monday, 23rd March at 11.30am, all students in Years 3 and 5 will also undertake the National Coordinated Practice Test.

This is designed to not only familiarise the students with the online platform but also for confirmation of ICT and administrative processes in place for NAPLAN online. Year 3 students will participate in the Omnibus Practice Test which lasts for 45 minutes (plus a 15-minute introduction) and includes reading, conventions of language and numeracy questions. Year 5 students will participate in the Writing Test which lasts for 42 minutes (plus a 15-minute introduction) where students will be asked to complete a writing task in response to a ‘prompt’.

Please note, student performance in the National Coordinated Practice Test is NOT assessed. For further information about NAPLAN 2020, please see attached link. 




Would you like an OSHC Program at Rosary School?

Tuesday 17th March, 2020

Now is the time to take action!

We are now at step 2 of what is a long process.

Step 2 is where we have to show the Director of CESA that we could put a financially viable program together. This is done by the following survey.

Now is the time to take action – if we DO NOT receive enough responses we will not be able to establish a service!

Click on the following link to take the 5 minute survey…

This survey will be open until Friday March 27


Parent Teacher Interviews -Postponed

Monday 16th March, 2020

At this week’s School Board Meeting we made the decision to postponed the interviews that were going to occur in a couple of weeks time. We feel this in the best interest of the wellbeing of our staff, parents and in some cases students who would attend.

Once the health situation settles more we will re-program the interviews. If there are problems to the addressed, our teaching staff have already been in touch. However, as a parent if you have an issue that needs addressing please email your child’s class teacher.

Blackfriars OSHC Program - bus to continue

Monday 16th March, 2020

There have been some changes to this program and families that use this service should note: The bus between our Schools will continue but Parents must understand and commit to the following:

1. Any student with flu like symptoms will be excluded from the bus

2. Parents of students from Rosary must follow normal protocols and keep home any student with flu like symptoms and not to drop the student at Blackfriars in the morning.

3. Blackfriars cannot guarantee effective social distancing on the bus as per Government Guidelines (1.5m) although we will advise passengers to utilise all the available space on the bus and keep separate as much as practical.

Vacation care will not be provided in the April School Holidays

Italian Language and Culture Day

Monday 16th March, 2020

Unfortunately due to the current situation we have had to cancel this year's Italian Language and Culture celebrations.

News from the Principal

Thursday 5th March, 2020

Dear Families Somehow, we have arrived at the half way point of the school term and I am not sure where the five and a half weeks have gone! Ash Wednesday marks the start of Lent.
The 40 days of Lent, which precedes Easter is based on two Biblical accounts: the 40 years of wilderness wandering by the Israelites and our Lord's 40 days in the wilderness.

Each year the Church observes Lent where we, like Israel and our Lord, are tested.
We participate in abstinence, times of fasting, confession and acts of mercy to strengthen our faith and devotional disciplines.
The goal of every Christian is to leave Lent a stronger and more vital person of faith than when we entered.

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Child Protection Information

Wednesday 4th March, 2020

Over the year Catholic Education encourages us to share summaries of specific documents. Below are this term’s documents.

  • Bullying and Harassment Procedures Concerns
  • Policy for the Care, Wellbeing and Protection of Children and Young People 2011
  • Cybersafety: Keeping Children Safe In A Connected World
  • Wellbeing For Every Child – A Reminder
  • Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum
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Coronavirus update - good hygiene practices

Wednesday 4th March, 2020

At Rosary School the practice of shaking hands at the gate has been suspended for the time being.
Feel free to join in our “footshake” if you like!

The Federal Government has updated its advice on coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

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Student Leadership

Wednesday 4th March, 2020

‘A Heart that Sees’…. This term the year five and six SRC reps used their ‘Heart to See’ to see how they could build community and help the new receptions settle in and make friends.


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